Baked Figs with Prosciutto and Cheese. By Some Definition, It’s Pie!

Listen, Earl is still here, and I have spent all my spare blogging time on my lists of 10 things I love about the US, so have a short post and recipe: figs and cheese wrapped in prosciutto wrapped in puff pastry. Take advantage of figs being in season! I used green Kadota figs, but I think I’d prefer Black Mission.

– 1 package puff pastry (because fuck if I’m making puff pastry from scratch; that is far too much work)
– 8-9 figs
– goat cheese, or gouda, or brie, or any cheese that turns delicious and melty when baked
– prosciutto

1. Preheat the oven to 400°F/~204.4°C.
2. Wash the figs and cut the pointy ends off. Slice them in half. Alternatively, slice the pointy end off so that there’s a nice flat surface to rest cheese on.
3. Stuff some cheese between the fig halves. Alternatively sprinkle the goat cheese (or lay a healthy slice of non-crumbly cheese) on top of the flat surface.
4. Wrap the whole thing with a slice of prosciutto. You probably won’t need the entire piece of prosciutto, so use part of it for wrapping and use the rest for filching.
5. Cut off a piece of puff pastry, about 5″ x 5″ (12.7 cm x 12.7 cm), and wrap the meaty-cheesy-figgy construct in the puff pastry. Cut off any excess pastry and save the scraps for wrapping other meaty-cheesy-figgy constructs.
6. Place the pastry-meaty-cheesy-figgy blobs on a foil-lined baking sheet. Make sure you place them far apart, because I shit you not, they will get up and move next to each other. I don’t know. Maybe they’re having a figgy meeting. Place the baking sheet on the center rack and bake for 20-25 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown and doesn’t look translucently doughy anywhere.

7 thoughts on “Baked Figs with Prosciutto and Cheese. By Some Definition, It’s Pie!

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